Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Mexican Kitsch Fest....

Last night I met up with some old work friends for an evening of Lebanese food.....well that was the plan anyway.

Infact it was more a case of eating anywhere we could as London was packed last night for some bizzare reason so everywhere we tried involved waiting for a table for a good hour. In the end we admitted defeat and put our names down at possibly the nicest Mexican restaurant ever (back in Essex Mexican restaurants involve wearing a sombrero and downing tequila shots....classy!!) and then went to the pub to wait.

By the time our table was ready I had drunk a bottle of red wine and was very happy indeed which may have led to my huge excitment when I saw these little beatuies in a shop window....

The brand is Les Nerieds and I am totally in love with everything....especially the heart locket with the little pop-up figures and of course the hummingbird neckalce for obvious reasons.

So....if any of you think I deserve a treat then it is my thirtieth birthday coming up so please feel free xx
My Ping in